Senior Multidisciplinary Developer

Unity, Unreal, Desktop, Mobile and Web Development – Digital Marketing – 3D Design


General App Development

Simple app or software for professional uses, VR simulations, educational applications or any other application requiring specific skills can be achieved.

Software RUGI: a roboting programming software with visual interface

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Digital Marketing

Understanding the needs and create the right support for your communication is our goal. Such tool as flyers, brochure, books or any other support can be done

Brochure for innovative reinforcement techniques

Coming soon…

Web Development

From simple webpage to a store or a business site, Next2VR has the skills and technologies to create the right website.

Webshop selling specialized clothes for breastfeeding

Coming soon…

3D Design

Using the latest realtime 3D visualization tools Next2VR is able to design, modelise or even use photogrammetry to achieve your needs

Repotologized mesh from photogammetry generated 3D model

Coming soon…


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