Software development

XR Simulator – America’s cup

2022, 2023, 2024

Single and Multiplayer training using the industrial varjo XR3 and custom physics engine. I developed the multiplayer system along with the a new UI, the race mechanics, the http, websocket and redis hookers as well as the input manager for both custom HMI and standard gaming controllers.

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IOT – InstrumMe


InstrumMe is an IOT platform made to hald cases such as structure instrumentation, smart city, building surveillance, etc.

This app is connected to a server i developed in PHP, it allows devices using LoRaWAN, Sigfox, 3G/4G, etc. This way the final user can monitor the structure and the devices with a friendly user-side software.

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Predictive Maintenance


This software was meant to be used for the construction industry, as a web-app. It was developed to allow the user to see his structures in 3D and show him the data gathered by a server. The structures are recreated as a digital twin, using photogrammetry.

The data is coming from IOT and transferred to the servers. Then, when the app is launched it connects to the db and displays it. I developed it from scratch as CTO for Pericles Innovation.

VR Ocean Simulator


This ocean simulator was specificaly designed for simulating different conditions with realistic physics waves movements.

The sofwtare has been developed to work on HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. I used FFT as a basis for the wave movements and optimized myself some shaders already made.

VR Driving Simulation – Stop it!


Project made for a driving school and then put to the steam store. Every year thousands of people are taking risks driving tired, under the influence of alcohol or simply watching their smartphone.

Stop it – Driving Simulation shows you how these behaviors are dangerous. It can teach you what kind of consequences you might encounter.

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2012, 2013

You may be familiar with Noob, the comedy
web series that made a name for itself on the net and then on the Nolife channel by parodying MMOs. This project was started in 2011 by a small indie team. The legend of the Earl of Parow, since that’s his name, was scheduled for 2013 on PC and Mac. You could take turns playing Sparadrap, Omega Zell, Gaea or Artheon to help the empire or the coalition.

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2021, 2022

Simango wants to engage the staff of
healthcare players in their teaching with virtual reality training solution combined with serious games. I was a senior VR/C#/Unity developer in charge of the porting of their main application to other devices (Desktop and WebGL). I also refactored main systems and implemented a better architecture following code good practices.

That’s me in on the computer ✌️

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Automatisation – RUGI


This software was made for the Robotic industry, starting in the end of 2021 to the beginning of 2021.
It is made with Unity, using the ability to mix 2D UI on the top of the 3D environment. It is using many of the editor functionalities transfer into the runtime environment. The Ul is made to ease the job of those programming in Grafcet, mirror it with this interface.

The GIF images bellow represents the final runtime

Tinitus Generator software


This software was made in collaboration with an ERT and a neurologist. It allow the user to generate multiple tone sound wave and modify them in order to create a << tinnitus- like » sound.
The connexion to a server allows the user to connect to his account and upload the generated sound.

Medical Softwares


I co-founded Virtualis SAS in 2015 after many month of early development in VR. As CTO, I quickly developed more than 20 softwares dedicated to physical and psychologic rehabilitation.

Virtualis was among the very first company to use and put virtual reality to the market at big scale. During that time I worked with the oculus, the HTC VIVE, eye tracking systems, motion platform, hand tracking, Microsoft kinect and much more.

Leap Motion used for stroke rehabilitation, imitating the non functional member
Custom motion platform developed for sea simulator used to cure sea sickness
SchoolVR – Prompt : Made for public speaking training
SchoolVR – Whiteboard : Made for public exercices at school

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